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tv   ABC2 News The Latest at 11  ABC  October 16, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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>> seven angels, two are watching over us in this building because we've been blessed. >> it was one of baltimore's darkest hours. hope thanks to the family. >> it's cooling down in a big way. we have a warming trend coming up. and before the progressive girl
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that was howl cats on tv, why the king of insurance has them shut down by the state. >> i think it should last at least a year. >> why your mail and rebate card to change. >> you remember where you were 10 years ago, the dawson family died when their home was fire bombed. >> we saw the bodies with their mom and dad brought out. >> how the darkest hour is remembered in light. >> reporter: this center opened five years ago where the family of 7 were killed. we saw the children in the ten year anniversary. spoke up and spoke very loudly about the city's continued crime. a center full of children, 35 to be exact, stands where the dawson family lives and where
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they died. >> this was a tragedy that touched people internationally. >> reporter: ten years ago, the efforts of mrs. dawson to stop the drug dealing backfired at east preston street was set on fire. >> keith, kevin, carmel, juan, and rwanda. >> reporter: couldn't escape the cocktail. >> on that night, viciously murdered. children and their parents. >> reporter: the children at the dawson center understand their afterschool activities are now located where an unspeakable tragedy played out. ten years later, flashlights shined, but elijah cummings is not content. >> a stray bullet. they should not fear stepping on needles when they go to school. they should not fear seeing the
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caps to crack cocaine. >> reporter: the city house director that housed the launch with the fire bomb. >> we see 125 houses vacant under construction right now. >> reporter: the city spends $270,000 to run it annually. they say it's well spent. >> there's clean-up around the area and more in the future. >> it's changed the way my book smarts were. it helps me every day to learn more and more. >> reporter: well, a few other programs came without following the fire bomb. baltimore's witness intimidation program in the oliver committee over 50 years.
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the dawsons had 6 children, the oldest not home that night. the life sentence without possibility of parole. cheryl conner, abc2 news. >> i was on that story two years ago and we didn't know how the fire started. i remember going back to the news car and one of the family members drove by and called me over saying, that fire was deliberately set. and that set the tone for today, 10 years later. >> sad. lost but not forgotten. >> yeah. well, you might remember this picture. it's the before of richard lee mullis. he had a full facial transplant this year. this is what he looks like now. this is the postsurgery shot. the hospital released a statement saying he's doing well. morris was hurt by a gunshot.
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pedestrian was shot and killed and that forced school buses to make a u-turn. it's tough to see. police are not releasing the name, saying he was hit and killed with a gray honda civic. in a mini van, madison street and the van was pushed by a bus and the driver of the van with the pedestrian were taken to hopkins to be on the safe side. eleven were on board and they're all going to be okay. we don't know who's at fault over this. ann arundel student brought a knife to school. school administrators were alerted. the students showed weapons to classmates. the schools found the student in the school cafeteria.
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the beebe gun with the real handgun and lured administrators. it was in the same office and arrested with charges as a juvenile with possession of a dangerous weapon. >> it is significant part of the country. out towards l.a., they laugh at situations like this. you get the feel of the ripple effect down the east coast. that's the deal. let's look at the plaza. 4.5 magnitude. this was just outside of maine. this expands and ripplings down
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into interior england, an interesting event after 7:00 this evening. i have a blog up there. here's the shot back close to home. not talking earthquakes. talking about chilly. you go just outside the beltway, 41 degrees in frederick. 42 around 50 over the eastern shore. 9 degrees colder than last night and again, temperatures will continue to fall and it's a chilly week of 43 degrees in the 60s. we'll talk about your forecast in a little bit. >> thanks a lot, mike. we have new details on the meningitis scare. today, criminal investigators with the massachusetts company whose medication is linked to the outbreak. they said it's part of the investigation. the company will expand on that and investigators found the virus in more than 50 viles from the company. the nationwide infection has killed one person in our state and sickened 15 more. well, as insurance business started at a kitchen table and
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never stopped growing for 37 years. >> tonight, watch the story about some trouble. more on this exclusive investigation. >> reporter: these commercials are outrageous, but the telecast is conduct behind closed doors that may make him notorious. >> for over 36 years, we've been helping people get car insurance. >> reporter: the long time pitchman who made his living selling insurance to thousands of high drivers around baltimore is now at risk to himself. the businesses at the center of maryland insurance administration investigation. last monday, the news learned his license was revoked. after the agency discovered he was letting unlicensed agents sell policies. that's just the beginning.
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he was supposed to be moving money from one business to another. the state said hundreds of thousands of dollars is missing. court filings not only runs the caps' insurance agency with policies but also interstate and insurance provider that supply them. a state exam. the hazardous conditions with only $70,000 to its name. but another cap company has soured in this operation and this one for millions of dollars. records show caps also ran insurance payment plant which loaned customers the money they need to buy insurance. the state says katz owes to creditors who fronted the money, some filed suit claiming katz took their cash in an
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ongoing fraudulent scheme. josie sherman, abc2 news. >> they're noallowed to conduct insurance business in the state at the moment, but the company at bier state was handed over to the third party as a state agreement. ,. representatives in the statement say this has never affected policyholder in anyway. all have gone directly to policies. now if you're covered by the agency, you can log on to the web site. do you know what question four is on the election ballot? >> do you know the answer of a dream act? christian schaffer prepares you. three weeks from tonight.
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>> over the radar overshadowed by the same-sex marriage issue and the tv ads for and against expanded gambling, but it's a big issue. instate tuition of undocumented immigrants and see it on the ballot for polls in three weeks as question number four. it's been years since the so- called dream act passed and signed into law that would allow children to pay instate tuition at public colleges and university in maryland if the parents are paying taxes, if the child graduates from a maryland high school and then completes two years of community college. opponents gathered enough signatures to put the issue to statewide referendum and the dream act not only promotes illegal activity, but uses taxpayer money to do it. >> people understand the issue. everybody i talk to, they say we don't feel like taxpayers' money should be used for illegal immigrants. it's simple as far as they're concerned. >> reporter: a recent poll by
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research showed 58% of registered voters support the dream act and oppose it. three out of four democrats support it and pat doesn't believe it holds true election day. >> half of the signers were democrats. 50%. >> reporter: both sides make the final push with the issue three weeks away from being decided once and for all. >> for many families in maryland, paying out of state tuition is not doable. that's the difference between them going to college or not able to go to college. >> reporter: city college junior has been working because it would help her friends. >> people say they are illegal or don't belong here and to us, we feel like these are our friends, these are people we grew up with. these are people we know, love, and respect. >> reporter: tomorrow, the president of naacp will appear in support of the university.
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christian schaffer, abc2 news. >> all right. thanks a lot, chris. my cell phone comes with the prospect of more than deep discounts. >> what do you do if your rebate is bad? >> disappointed. i think it should last at least a year. >> how about that? new companies hand rebates and why it could be wasting your money. >> wmar, you can get this on the google place and also the itunes store. take a look right now. chilly 45. dropping into the upper 30s. take it out to the west, trouble brewing the forecast is coming up. >> and are you on the list? apple putting out invites. what special event may be decided for next week when we come back in just 50 seconds.
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>> because of stories like carrolls, we are thinking pink all week long. we're not the only ones. >> the historic in baltimore county had a pink pep rally and raising awareness about breast cancer were the ravens. they visited patients at the cancer center at the square today. all this pink does is leading up to the big event this sunday. the komen race for the cure in hunt valley and you still have time to register. just head to a web site on our web site to coleman's web site. just listen, if you're one of the lucky few that gets invited to apple events, check
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your invites. the ipad is $500 with a screen, but the mini ipad will have a 7- inch screen and cost you under $300. if you bought a product with a mail-in rebate, you receive a check in the mail. a prepaid debit card, but as the consumer report shows us, a big is that you don't waste money on these debit cards. >> reporter: more and more cell phones come with mail-in rebates these days. buy $200, get 100 back. but there's a secret to the rebates the companies would rather you not know. we've all seen signs like this advertising big discounts and mail-in rebates and most cases these days, it comes in a visa
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or mastercard. susan arnold found a great such deal. >> there was a $100 rebate on the form that arrived the first of april. >> reporter: she decided to wait and use the card on her upcoming vacation. bad idea. what happened when you used the card? >> the card expired in june. >> reporter: turns out the card was valid. >> about 3 months, yeah. >> reporter: that was it? >> that's it. >> reporter: and that's the dirty little secret of these rebate cards, valid just 3 to 6 months. if they don't fall under gift card laws that would require them to be valid longer. good news, after we contacted the provider, they decided reissue susan's card, but you can be assured thousands expire before their use. >> highly disappointing. it should last at least a year, i think. >> reporter: anytime you get a rebate card or gift card, leave it on the kitchen counter next to the phone or somewhere where
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you will see it everyday. never tuck it away or it may expire before you get to it, so don't waste your money. i'm john. now maryland's most accurate forecast. >> had a pretty evening out there. the sunshine went down. a little bit before 6:30 and here's the shot downtown, crystal clear high definition. 11:00, here's the statistics at 47 degrees and falls at 7 degrees, right around 40 in the city, outlying areas pretty chilly. dew point at 43 and calm winds, certainly nowhere in comparison to earlier this afternoon where the wind was busy, 15 to 20 miles per hour and gusts near sparrow's point came in at 25 miles per hour. 63 today, that's the official high. that was 16 from your normal. 19 was -- as i mentioned in town, you go outside of the
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beltway with 30s in here, fredricks at 39. near 50 in dover. 46 in salisbury and middle and upper 40s. light and variable wind in the course of the overnight. 43 to wake up. a lot of sunshine. maybe a few clouds, the last hour and a nice finish tomorrow afternoon. the daytime high around 68. high pressure reigns supreme in the eastern third of the nation and going to keep us high and dry for the next 24 hours and look back in oklahoma city, that works by tomorrow afternoon. there's a storm system. this is on the boards and going to move in chicago in the next 24 hours and have to address that for our area as we go into the day on thursday. take a look at temperatures. 40s, 50s, look at the south and
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west. st. louis, 71 degrees and this is on the move. it marks them as we go into tomorrow afternoon and more so into thursday. future trend shows sunshine tomorrow afternoon, but watch how the clouds gather thursday afternoon. a few spotty showers developing and then a band of heavy rain that pushes in thursday evening's commute and thursday night before everything pushes offshore. a chilly start tomorrow morning and the outlying areas full on sunshine. it's going to be a beautiful day. lower 60s north and west of the city and going to push warm air into thursday. 61 to 71 degrees will be the forecast highs. quick look at the tropics, 800 miles to the east and southeast of ocean city with hurricane rafael and going to be well offshore in the next day or so. the accurate weather team is mostly clear skies and chilly. guarantee of 68 degrees, nice
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and seasonable. 45 for wednesday night and chilly. late rain developing. 71 on friday and a blend of sunshine and clouds. 54 on saturday and then of course, the komen race and walk. it's going to be beautiful. chilly in the morning. temperatures rebound into the 60s with a little bit of sunshine. >> love it. able to take it. abc2 is waiting for you tonight. saving your time and planning overnight traffic spots with the time saving traffic. >> i'm lauren with your abc2 traffic report. road work continues tonight blocking one southbound lane between showtell road and kutie street and notice construction from 8:00 a.m. to the 4:00 in the afternoon between lauren street and 95. i'll be tracking the commute tomorrow on good morning maryland beginning at 4:30. >> thanks, lauren. >> much more abc2 news coming
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up. >> first, what is going to be about the debate tonight, right? >> hello and thanks, coming up on nightline, a high stakes rematch. mitt romney and president obama facing off the second time in this tightening race. our team of political insiders tell us who they think won. teacher: this is west virginia, pennsylvania, delaware.
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and this is maryland. every year marylanders spend five hundred and fifty million gaming at casinos in these other states. question seven will build a new casino and bring table games to baltimore... generating hundreds of millions for schools. and that money has to go to education. it's the law. so vote for question seven. so we can stop spending all that money here, and keep maryland money in classrooms like mine.
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it's heavy lifting. you start with a democratic senator named ben. by getting bwi-marshall funding for new runways, he's helping us serve 21 million passengers a year, which helps keep 100,000 jobs that depend on the airport, and that means more cargo for more businesses and more skycaps unloading more taxis... welcome to bwi. ...carrying families with more luggage. thanks. it's like he's out here with us. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approve this message.
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>> hey, need an engagement ring? you're in luck. there's a jeweler in iowa giving away shotguns for those ready to pull the trigger on getting engaged. men who come in and spend two grand or more on a diamond ring will spend a coupon for a shotgun. why run this kind of a
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promotion? >> i think it's good to do something for the boys. >> you, too, can get a shotgun. it's until tend of the month. >> two for one shotgun. >> lunchtime temperature from 60 to 68. and then beautiful weekend. a little bit of a breeze. . pumpkin. ha ha! you've never tasted pumpkin like this. try new pumpkin white chocolate or pumpkin mocha coffees and lattes today.
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as a pastor, my support for question 6 is rooted in my belief that the government should treat everyone equally. i would not want someone denying my rights based upon their religious views, therefore i should not deny others based upon mine. it's about fairness. this law does not force any church to perform a same sex marriage if it's against their beliefs. and that's what this is about. protecting religious freedom and protecting all marylanders equally under the law. join me in voting for question 6.
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine the pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a qualifying pnc performance select checking account and earn 75% more than cards
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earning 1% cash back on almost everything. tell me about the earthquake. >> i will. >> crazy. >> not bigger than the last one? >> no, no, but, a little whiteout for you. maine to jersey. >> down to jersey? love that. >> we'll see you tomorrow night. >> all right.
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